Monday, January 4, 2016


Seriously though....I can't believe it has been over two years since I "blogged" or posted anything here!  It seems I "learned" how to use FaceBook and that took over where my blogging had been....and I'm not sure if that is good or bad.... for those who maybe aren't on FaceBook or just haven't seen it my soapy-goaty-farm-related-adventures can be seen on NadaLottaRanch Bath Works so feel free to join us there as well if you haven't! I also picked up some "insta-skills" on instagram and you can follow me there @ nlrsoaps too!  Really proud of that one since it's not "my thing" to do tech-type-stuffs haha!

I'm taking a break from farm stuff outside to sit down and update things online - it's been on my mind and I need to "get 'er done" to shake it so I can focus.  Just an update for those who do follow along....

In 2014/2015 we switched  focus with the poultry to more heritage type breeds.  Jersey Giant chickens, Silver Appleyard ducks, and we already had the Cotton Patch geese (and still do FYI...).  This took some time out of the day and kept me busy.....

I also took a much more critical eye to my goats and the quality of the herd in terms of conformation and production....thinned the herd and focused on things besides my love for them....made my heart listen to my was HARD but it's something I needed to do and I am still working for changes to come there in a very good way soon!

In 2016 there will be antics, and adventures, and so so much!