Friday, May 3, 2013

I never set out to be a farmer...

What I was trying to do was "be self sufficient"....HAHA to that!  I mean yeah, sure, I do a LOT of "homemade, handmade, DIY" type stuff.  But I am far from "off grid" as they say.  I wasn't even really going for off grid though.  I just wanted to produce what I could "for us".  And here I am....

I had a lovely day - visiting with soapy/goaty friends, waiting on baby goats (STILL not here) and you know...when I think about it... I am VERY glad I am a "farmer".  Well...more of a goat breeder, soap maker and homesteader....but still...farmer is easier and shorter to type LOL :)

I get to work from home - in my "comfy clothes" mostly - and I like that (dressing up is fun once in a while, but for me at least it got old fast on a daily basis).  I get to choose who my "customers, clients, associates" are and if people are sucky jerks I can tell them where to go - which is somewhere else.  Usually I don't have that issue...but still, it's nice that it is an option!  I get to do what I have grown to love - GOATS!  Also, horses and other farm critters...but you get my drift...soap, cheese, milk and really is a passion for me.  I get to connect with other people of a similar mindset - people that enjoy living simply and off of the land, people that are less concerned about the "popular" stuff but more worried about where their food comes from and getting by day to day without any high drama, and of course goat and soap people are just awesome haha!  There's just so much I really enjoy about this new life we have slowly forged for ourselves and it all came on by accident.

I just wanted a few goats for milk for the house...and now I have fancy pants dairy goats and my milk travels all over the country in the form of bath and body products and soaps and lotions via the postal to other showers in far away lands!  I just wanted to be able to make a bowl of cereal without running to the store for a gallon of milk and NOW I have enough milk to make cheeses and yogurts AND the knowledge and skills to do so and it's always just out there in the yard waiting for me to go and get more of it.  I love it - even if it was not what I intended.

Sure, some days are long and hard, some days I wonder what in the hell was I thinking??? But...when all is said and done, even if I didn't start out to be a farmer I am now and I LOVE IT!

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