Saturday, March 9, 2013

Shoulda gone for it....

This morning, I woke up to this outside my bedroom window:

That is not OUR bull...and I'm still not really sure who he belongs too or if he found his way home yet.  I made a few calls, couldn't get any of the neighbors on the phone and the one guy I talked to swore they weren't his cattle...

They all wandered off to the back of the property and a few hours later here they come again! They circled around and came back through and my first thought was: "Beef, it's what's for dinner"  But I didn't do it, I couldn't.  They aren't mine and I would be mad as hell if someone did that to I didn't...but i REALLY wanted to put just one tasty cow in the freezer.  Course all three freezers are pretty full right now like I said I didn't...

See...there they one would miss just one right?

I don't know what it is with the jail breaks lately...maybe it's something in the air perhaps? But if I see these guys tomorrow I might change my mind. ...beef may be on the menu if they return uninvited!

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