Monday, May 13, 2013

A Tale of Two Udders

Well, not really a story, but LOOK AT THEM TEATS! Hahahaha...I just love saying that - it NEVER gets old!

First up, we have Lucy - lovely rear attachment, medial ligament could be a little stronger, but nice easy to manage teats, great orifice and steady stream when I milk and LOTS of milk - due to the power outage I haven't been tracking it precisely the last few days, but EASILY clearing the gallon as day mark!  I shall weigh in the morning :)
The there is Pomegranate - with the udder that won't quit I swear!  Took me FOREVER to get her dried up last year!  Yes, the rear attachment could be a little stronger - but REALLY nice to milk!  Buttery soft, good strong medial ligament, GREAT flow, and even more milk than Lucy and Pom is smaller than her!
And no - in real life she does not have one half all pink...I think I tweaked something funny on the camera on my phone...been getting odd, off photos the last day or two...but you get the general idea I believe :)

The best part is you really couldn't ask for better girls on the milk stand!  Oh yes, absolutely sweet hearts, well behaved, no hobbles needed :)  Actually, I haven't had to hobble a goat to milk in AGES!  Everyone has been good as gold for me - which I LOVE!

Once again I have tons of milk - YAY!  I had taken the other 3 girls down to once a day a few weeks ago so I myself could have a bit of a break - and while I was still getting plenty of milk, it's just not the same as having a TON of milk LOL :)  I plan to keep milking Willow, Penelope, and Fajita once a day for a while longer - it's easier on them too you know? - and of course milk these 2 twice a day.  But when every minute in your day counts you have to find a few for yourself here and there ya know? So, in order to have a bit more time in my mornings when I had all of the market/soap stuff going on pre-mothers day I cut out the a.m. milking with the 3 that were already in was nice to be able to feed in like 20 minutes in the mornings again for a while, I will admit....but now I am back to full swing mornings and that itself is nice too!

I also got 2 out of 3 "goat jails" cleaned today, a NEW FEEDER PIG came today (hooray for bacon in the fall!), and tomorrow I will be getting CIDRs in to the next round of goats to be bred!  Yup, it's that time already! This is going to be a BUSY week! Actually, May is going to be a busy month :P Preparations for more goat breeding, with any luck FENCING BONANZA shall be taking place, and several soap classes are already scheduled :) Now if only that silly laundry would hurry up so I can go to bed - gotta get the hubby all packed up to be off in the morning again and I am waiting on the dryer tonight :(

Oh yes - stay tuned ya'll!  Things should be picking up some on the farming front now that I have baby goats birthed and the last major "soap holiday" until Christmas out of the way!

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