Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dear Mother Nature....

WHAT I SAID AS ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! No really....where have I been you ask?  Why no blog posts recently you say?? Because it was DARK again!  Oh yeah baby, you heard me - Thursday night the lights went out and we didn't get them back until Saturday!  Yeah, sure, we had a TEASE when they came on for AN HOUR Friday night - and then went back out again! SHEESH!  What else right?????

So, what had happened was: THE STORM OF THE CENTURY CAME THROUGH! I am pretty sure I saw Dorothy's house fly by and was in a tornado for a minute - silly me took the new baby goat to see her new mama (long story, but I went to them since it was easier on me to travel). AND I GOT STUCK IN IT COMING HOME when the storm let loose!  UGH!!!! Complete with hail and so bad I had to pull over for a few minutes...yup...I KNEW we were in for a whopper of a doozy!

Came home to this:
That would be "Lake NadaLotta places for all this water to go" - it was just running down the road in sheets we got so much all at once!

And then this:
The Great Oak said "Take that ugly broken down fridge!"  Yeah, I know, I feel that way too!  But was a LOT of work getting that one moved to the burn pile days later!

It was VERY dark outside that night with no lights...and the hubby was stuck in look who got to bunk with mama:
See her sticking her head up from the pile of blankets?  Yup, BOTH of the babies got to sleep with me - if only so I wasn't alone all night :(

AND THEN...the next day I had to go into Trinity for a few things...look closely:

Why I do believe that WAS someone's carport!

And here:
You gotta blow that one up a bit...which I think I did...oh yeah, the WHOLE ROOF off of someone's giant barn was flipped off like the lid on a tuna can!  And I was complaining about a big limb right?  Yeah, I take it back - I am VERY grateful that was all I had to deal with was a few limbs!

So...where have I been:  I have been having baby goats, in the dark, and THEN cleaning up and THEN at the market with the soaps...SUPER busy week or 2 ahead of us here at the farm - but totally worth it!

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